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Ad hominem fallacy
Ad populum fallacy
Appeal to authority fallacy
Appeal to emotion fallacy
Appeal to pity fallacy
Base rate fallacy
Begging the question fallacy
Circular reasoning fallacy
Ecological fallacy
Either-or fallacy
Equivocation fallacy
Fallacy of composition
False cause fallacy
False dilemma fallacy
Genetic fallacy
Hasty generalization fallacy
Logical fallacy
Non sequitur fallacy
No true Scotsman fallacy
Planning fallacy
Post hoc fallacy
Red herring fallacy
Slippery slope fallacy
Straw man fallacy
Sunk cost fallacy source: https://www.scribbr.com/fallacies/
LTE tips
Cherry Picking
Data Dredging
Survivorship Bias
Cobra Effect
False Causality
Sampling Bias
Gambler's Fallacy
Regression Toward the Mean
Hawthorne Effect
Simpson's Paradox
McNamara Fallacy
Publication Bias
Danger of Summary Metrics source: https://www.geckoboard.com/best-practice/statistical-fallacies/
source: https://www.scribbr.com/fallacies/
source: https://www.geckoboard.com/best-practice/statistical-fallacies/
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