The US EPA wrote to OH EPA telling them to revise the DRAFT air permit of July 6th.
DRAFT Air Emissions Permit Issued July 6, 2023 by the OH EPA to SOBE. Read it HERE
Thank you to all who submitted public comments regarding the above DRAFT permit.
Thank you to all who attended the meeting and showed support for the
11 people who spoke (THANK YOU SO MUCH!) at the September 20, 2023 Youngstown City Council Meeting to urge them to pass the resolution to inform SOBE they cannot pyrolyze tires in our city. Council voted 7-0 to pass it!
Write the Ohio EPA: "Do NOT issue permit to SOBE!"
Andrew Hall
Permit Review/Development Section
50 West Town Street Suite 700
PO Box 1049
Columbus, Ohio 43216-1049 and
Ohio EPA DAPC, Northeast District Office
2110 East Aurora Rd.
Twinsburg, OH 44087
Join our coalition
We need community groups, businesses, faith communities, and individuals to pledge to fight SOBE Energy's toxic project–join our growing group today, fill out the form at bottom of this page.
Talk with Youngstown's Mayor Tito Brown about stopping SOBE
All Youngstown residents have the right to meet with the Mayor to discuss pressing city issues. Call his office to schedule: 330-742-8701.
Here you can review some talking points about the SOBE Project.
Tell the OH EPA Do NOT grant any permit to SOBE to burn Synthetic Gas
It has happened! Draft permit issued July 6, 2023! JOIN US to keep this dangerous plant trying to get permits to burn synthetic gas and pyrolyze tires OUT OF HERE! This business applied to PUCO as a steam heating/cooling plant and changed their business plan to producing synthetic gas from pyrolysis of tires in Youngstown next to our populated neighborhoods and revitalized downtown!
Register a complaint with PUCO
Reach out to the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio and tell them you don't want SOBE in our Valley!