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Solidarity & Gratitude: Council to Vote on Climate Resolution to Reject Pyrolysis in Youngstown, Ohio

SOBE Concerned Citizen

Updated: Jan 22

PLEASE COME and encourage City Council to pass the resolution** Youngstown City Council Meeting Wednesday September 20, 2023 at 5:30 pm

Covelli Community Center

229 E. Front St. Yo, OH 44503 DOWNLOAD FLYER AS PDF file to print out AS JPG IMAGE to share via social media

** The Climate Change, Environment and Sustainable Technology Committee of City Council (Anita Davis, Chair, 6th Ward; Basia Adamczak, 7th; Julius Oliver, 1st) are bringing a resolution to Youngstown City Council for a vote on September 20, 2023. This resolution states that SOBE Thermal Energy’s plan to expand from steam heating and cooling to MELTING CHOPPED UP TIRES TO PRODUCE SYNTHETIC GAS FOR SALE is too polluting and dangerous to allow next to downtown Youngstown!

WAYS YOU CAN HELP: 1) ATTEND the September 20th COUNCIL MEETING and BRING A FRIEND OR TWO! 2) SIGN UP TO SPEAK AT COUNCIL MEETING to say THANK YOU to the CLIMATE COMMITTEE and ENCOURAGE the rest of City Council to VOTE YES! Sign up to speak before Tuesday Sept 19th at 10am by calling the Council Clerk at 330.742.8709 or go to If you have questions or would like assistance in preparing a 3 minute maximum statement, call Jack at 330.518.9227. 3) CALL YOUR COUNCIL PERSON to encourage them to VOTE IN FAVOR OF THE RESOLUTION TO STOP SOBE: Jimmy Hughes, 2nd ward: 330-272-5108 Samantha Turner, 3rd ward: 330-398-9514 Mike Ray, 4th ward:330-792-5956 Pat Kelly, 5th ward: 330-423-2112 CALL and URGE Mayor Brown, (330) 742-8701, to act today to inform SOBE that our Mixed Use Community Zoning does not permit SOBE to pyrolyze tires in our city. 4) SHARE! SHARE! SHARE! Call, email, and text your friends and neighbors to join us next Wednesday September 20th at 5:30 pm at the COUNCIL MEETING at the Covelli Community Room. (Some TEXT wording to use below) For questions or more info: Send us an email [} or call 330-518-9227 (Jack Daugherty). More info: or -------------------------------- This is what one can text: PLEASE ATTEND in Solidarity and Gratitude Youngstown City Council Meeting Wednesday September 20, 2023 at 5:30 pm Covelli Community Center 229 E. Front St. Yo, OH 44503 The Climate Change, Environment and Sustainable Technology Committee has a Resolution to be voted on at the Council meeting to stop SOBE from expanding from steam heating and cooling to pyrolyzing tires to produce synthetic gas in downtown Youngstown. For more info: Reply to this text or text 330-518-9227 (Jack Daugherty)

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