SOBE Concerned Citizens held a Town Hall Meeting on October 10, 2024, at the First Unitarian Universalist Church of Youngstown to call for a permanent stop to SOBE Thermal’s proposed pyrolysis project
SCC and residents shared information on the renewal of the City of Youngstown’s Moratorium Ordinance. The ordinance prohibits any gasification or pyrolysis operations in Youngstown due to concerns about air pollution and health impacts that the SOBE Thermal Energy Solutions LLC pyrolysis plant or similar plant may cause.
The Town Hall meeting had a full agenda of speakers including:
 Anita Davis, Chair of the Climate Change, Environment and Sustainable Technology Committee of the Youngstown City Council,  Â
 Two legal interns, Ellen Buerk and Kendrick Sandifer from the Kramer Environmental Law Clinic at Case Western Reserve University,Â
 Dr. Randi Pokladnik, Chemical Environmental Engineer from Faith Communities Together (FaCT Ohio), Save Ohio Parks, and the Mid Ohio Valley Climate Action,
Rachel Meyer from Moms Clean Air Force, Ohio River Valley Field Organizer,
Beth Vild from People Over Polymers of Akron, Ohio.

SCC worked diligently with Youngstown City Council and Mayor Jamael T. Brown to pass a one year moratorium ordinance on Dec. 26, 2023 prohibiting any gasification or pyrolysis operations in Youngstown. This moratorium ordinance expired in December 2024. We urge Youngstown citizens to get active in contacting their city council representatives and Mayor to ensure
(1) that the zoning code is enforced, which prohibits SOBE Thermal from pyrolysis operations in the Mixed-Use Community zone, and
(2) to guarantee the moratorium’s renewal.Â
SCC continues to be vigilant by watching for any request by SOBE Thermal Energy for a zoning variance or a building permit. Pyrolysis activity in this location would be contrary to Youngstown Zoning Code.
Press release announcing the Oct. 10 town hall:
Watch recording of the speakers - 7 short episodes below or
An encouraging clip from the townhall from Jess Conard (Beyond Plastics):